
미국 LA 인근 대규모 산불 Blue Cut Fire로 인한 현지 상황 업데이트

Berry | 2016.08.19 14:17 | 조회 5909


LA 인근에서 발생한  대형 산불 "Blue Cut Fire"의 영향으로 MLB 진행 시 BNSF rail delay가 있을것으로 보입니다.

현지 상황 업데이트 드리오니 업무에 참조 부탁드립니다.

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Pacific Southwest


  • LBCT

·         Recent yard improvements at Pier F have helped to ease congestion and reduce the amount and duration of closed areas.

  • Trapac

·         The gate appointment system is now in effect.

  • YTI

·         YTI will resume a limited Saturday gate starting on August 20th.  The limited gate will replace the current Friday night gate and will be for the following transactions only:

1.     Receive Export Cargo

2.     Deliver Wheeled Imports (reefer and hazardous cargo containers)

3.     Deliver Empties

4.     Peel off delivery

  • Chassis shortages reported at various terminals/facilities last week.
  • Truck power remains in good supply in Southern California.





  • OICT

·         Moderately congested last week with long lines of trucks outside the terminal gates. Gate turn times averaged 58 minutes.  Chronic yard congestion is compounded by chassis shortages.  Dual transactions were shut off early at 2:30pm daily.  OICT was low on pool chassis all week.

·         2-day vessel receiving window for exports.

·         OICT has implemented a $30 per loaded import and export container fee for a 90-day trial period to support weeknight and Saturday gate operations. All loaded containers will be assessed the fee.

  • Trapac operations were moderately congested last week. Gate turn times averaged 38 minutes. The terminal is holding a 3-day vessel receiving window for exports.
  • Oakland is short of chassis and truck power; new dispatches are not being accepted for 7 days out.  Truck power situation is primarily caused by slow import deliveries, early afternoon restrictions on dual transactions at OICT, and driver waiting time for a bare chassis to become available.



Tacoma & Seattle


  • Tacoma WUT was operating normally.  Gate turn times averaged 28 minutes.  The terminal posts an announcement on their web site regarding for which vessel(s) they will receive export cargo the following day.
  • Seattle T-18 was operating normally.  Gate turn times averaged 31 minutes.
  • Seattle-Tacoma is adequate on truck power and equipment supply.





  • This week the CN evacuated an average of 2 eastbound import intermodal trains each day from Deltaport Terminal and has experienced moderate ITM dwelling over the past week.
  • Vanterm Terminal has no OOCL containers at this time.
  • Centerm Terminal is experiencing some minor dwell times.



CN Montreal


  • CAST Terminal experienced some minor dwell times last week.
  • Termont Terminal experienced no intermodal dwelling last week.



CN Halifax


  • Negligible intermodal container dwelling issues reported at Ceres Terminal.  There are no ITM containers dwelling at Halterm Terminal.



New York Terminals


  • GCT Bayonne

·         GCT Bayonne Truck Management (Appointment) System – They are now targeting September 12th as the start date for mandatory reservations from 0600-0800 weekdays. It is anticipated that at least one prior Sunday (probably September 11th) will require mandatory appointments all day, for testing purposes.

·         GCT Bayonne will open the terminal this Sunday from 0600 until 1300. No reefers or OOG will be processed. They will continue operating Sunday gates through September 11th with the exception of Sunday, 9/4, when they will be closed for the Labor Day holiday. Gate usage during this period of time will determine whether or not they will continue with these gates beyond the date specified above.

  • Gate turn times:

·         GCT Bayonne – 74 minutes

·         GCT New York – 18 minutes

·         Maher – 46 minutes

  • Truck power lead time is 3-4 days in NYC.



Norfolk International Terminal


  • The Port of Virginia is experiencing congestion issues with a surge of export rail volume.  VIT is working on a solution and we do not expect this to be a long term condition.
  • Gate turn time at NIT was 48 minutes.
  • Truck power lead time is 0-2 days in Norfolk.



USA Midwest & South Central


  • Truck power remains adequate throughout the Midwest and Gulf with new dispatches being accepted for 1-2 days out.
  • Equipment supply is adequate throughout both regions with the exception of 40’s in Chicago, Dallas, Houston and El Paso.

  • Chassis are adequate throughout the regions.
  • Houston ’s Barbour’s Cut Terminal

·         Normal operations.  Average gate turn times: 39 minutes.

  • New Orleans Napoleon Terminal is operating normally.



South Atlantic

  • Equipment is adequate throughout the region.
  • All intermodal operations within the region are running smoothly.
  • Truck power for this region remains adequate, standard 1-2 day notice.





  • Maine Terminal operations in both Veracruz and Altamira were normal last week.
  • Equipment in Veracruz and Altamira:  20’ & 40’ GP and 40’ HQ & RQ surplus.
  • Depot, trucking, and rail services were all normal.


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